Guides to Uninstall G Data Antivirus 2012
Do you feel it difficult to uninstall G Data Antivirus 2012? Are you searching an effective solution on how to uninstall G Data Antivirus 2012 completely and easily? I think you had tried to remove G Data Antivirus 2012 previously but still had some problems with it. You can even find some associated folders and files of this problem on your computer no mention the invalid G Data Antivirus 2012 registry entries. If you uninstall G Data Antivirus 2012 with Windows Add/Remove Programs or its own default uninstaller, you probably would encounter such problems. Frankly speaking, it is not so complicate as you might thought to remove this software. Only three things you should remember to finish: 1. Remove the executable file. 2. Delete all of the files of it. 3. Clean up the Windows registry entries. Now, let’s see how to finish those three tasks manually.
Remove the Main Executable File of G Data Antivirus 2012
Normally, you can try to use the Windows Add/Remove Programs and the Build-in Uninstaller. Both of them can help you easily uninstall the main executable file of G Data Antivirus 2012.
Uninstall G Data Antivirus 2012 with Windows Add/Remove Program
Windows Add/Remove Programs is very convenience for Windows users. I believe over 99% of Windows users have used this uninstall utilities to uninstall programs. To uninstall G Data Antivirus 2012 with the Windows default uninstaller, please follow the steps:
1. Click “Start” — “Control Panel”
2. Click “Add/Remove Programs” in the Control Panel
3. Please highlight G Data Antivirus 2012 in the installed programs displaying list. And then click the “remove” option.
4. You will receive a message asking you: Are you sure you want to remove G Data Antivirus 2012 from your computer? Please select “YES” to continue.
5. You need to select both of these options before you click “OK”
Uninstall G Data Antivirus 2012 with Build-in Uninstaller
Like most of the PC security software, G Data Antivirus 2012 has its own uninstall utilities allows users uninstall the program with it. You also can try to remove G Data Antivirus 2012 with the default uninstaller.
1. Please click Start “Programs”; find out G Data Antivirus 2012; Choose “uninstall” option.
2. Click “Next” directly and follow the uninstall wizards to remove G Data Antivirus 2012.
3. Please reboot your computer to let the changes make effects.
How to Delete Associated Files Manually?
AppData or Application data is a hidden folder in Windows. In order to ensure a thorough removal of G Data Antivirus 2012, you should also remove its files entirely from your computer. You will need to implement these steps whether you want to uninstall G Data Antivirus 2012 permanently or reinstall the latest version of it.
* Click on the START menu again and get in the Control Panel and then Folder Options then View and choose Show Hidden Files and Folders, delete the following folders:
C:\Program Files\G Data Antivirus 2012
(C:\Document and Settings\All Users\Application Data\)
(C:\Documents and Settings\%USER%\Application Data\G Data Antivirus 2012)
How to Clean up Fake Registry Keys of G Data Antivirus 2012?
Usually part of the registry files of G DATA Antivirus 2012 can not be removed even you uninstall the program from Add/Remove program, leaving those wasted registry data in your computer can only bring harms to your computer, you need to delete these registry remains manually by yourselves to makes sure a complete removal and the health of Windows registry.
* Click Start then Run
* Type the commend of “regedit” in the box and click OK to open registry editor.
* Click the “+” sign to expend the registry tree.
* Go to the folder of HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software.
* Locate G DATA Antivirus 2012 related registry keys.
* Right click on it and select Delete.
* Go to the folder of HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE.
* Locate G DATA Antivirus 2012 related registry keys.
* Right click on it and select Delete.
* Close registry editor and reboot your computer to enforce new changes.
Note: Before you do the deletion, it is suggested to backup the registry to avoid problems brought by mistaken operation. See the below video demonstration of how to create a registry backup by using Windows Registry Editor.
Recommend Solution: Uninstall G DATA Antivirus 2012 with Special Uninstaller
Now you have another option to uninstall the program: Try to remove programs with Special Uninstaller.
Step 1: Download Special Uninstaller from here (Only seconds for downloading). Install Special Uninstaller and run it.
Step 2: Special Uninstaller will display all of the installed programs on your computer. Please highlight G DATA Antivirus 2012 and click the “Run Uninstaller” button.
Step 3: Special Uninstaller now runs its own uninstall program and pop up a message to start to uninstall it. Click Yes.
Step 4: Wait for the standard uninstall process to be completed. Click Scan Leftovers.
You have successfully uninstalled G Data Antivirus 2012 from your computer now. It is strongly suggest you uninstall any other programs with Special Uninstaller. It not only help you uninstall G Data Antivirus 2012 but also any other Windows programs. If you insist on uninstalling programs you should remember clean up the leftovers of the programs. Otherwise, you would get PC troubles because of the invalid registry entries. Special Uninstaller is able to assist you remove the associated files and invalid registry keys automatically. You have no need to worry about such issue. What you need to do is just follow the steps above to remove your unwanted programs.
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