Many people are discussing online now and hope can find the proper way to uninstall Samsung Kies 3 on the computer, as this program sometimes cannot be removed as easily as installing on the PC. What happen about the program removal?
Program information
Samsung Kies 3 is developed as an application that specially used to connect the phone to the computer, and facilitate the user to find new applications, synchronize data, personalize services, and manage your files and apps on the phones…
Problems of Samsung Kies 3 removal
There are many possible reasons people would like to uninstall Samsung Kies 3 on their computers, the program is not helpful for them, slow down the computer running speed or affect the use of USB device and etc. If you try to remove it on the computer, these problems may come out to annoy you, such as the program is not available on the list of Add/Remove programs, fail to uninstall it with Add/Remove programs, and incomplete removal.
How can uninstall Samsung Kies 3 successfully? The following are three optional solution to remove the program, maybe you can clean it on your PC with one of these methods.
Three options to uninstall Samsung Kies 3
Remove it with Add/Remove programs
(Windows 8)
1. Click on My Computer > Control Panel > Uninstall
2. Scroll down the mouse and select Samsung Kies 3 on the list, and click on the Uninstall button
3. Follow the guides pop up on the computer to finish the standard removal
Uninstall Samsung Kies 3 with its process
1. Find that install process of Samsung Kies 3 on your computer
(if you have been removed it after the installation, you need to get a new one from
2. Double-click to run the program
3. When it prompts to reinstall or remove Samsung Kies 3, click remove
4. Finish the removal with the instructions
Shortcomings of Add/Remove programs and Samsung Kies 3 attached uninstall process
Even though it is easy to say and describe how to uninstall Samsung Kies 3 in words with the above two solutions, the removing process and result are often negative for many potential problem and errors. If you have tried both the solutions and the programs still on your PC. You will need to following way to get rid of it.
Remove it with third party uninstall tool
According to the similar experiences of people being not able to uninstall Samsung Kies 3, getting an advanced uninstall program will be more effective for most of people to remove it easily and thoroughly. Special Uninstaller one of the most popular uninstall tool that usually help the computer user to fully remove the installed programs with ease. To remove Samsung Kies 3 with the program, the uninstall process is also very easy to handle.
1. Run Special Uninstaller, find and select Samsung Kies 3 on the interface
2. Click Run Uninstaller, and click Yes to confirm the removal
3. Click the checkbox to delete temporary save file during the standard removal, and click Yes
4. When complete the standard removal, click to scan leftovers
5. Remove all of detected leftovers, and click Yes to ensure has been removed the program completely
6. Close the uninstaller, and restart your computer
Video tutorial about how uninstall Samsung Kies 3 with Special Uninstaller
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