Is it a problem for you to uninstall SpyHunter on the computer? Did you remove the program in a right way? If you don’t know why and how can delete the application on your PC, you can try the ways introduced in this page.
What’s SpyHunter ?
SpyHunter program is created by Enigma Software Group and advertises to avoid and remove spyware and malicious programs, thus to prevent the computer from being monitored by hacker for illegal purpose.
Why cannot uninstall SpyHunter successfully?
For many people who are using the program on their computers, removing SpyHunter is a difficult problem, because no matter how they try to get rid of this application on the computer, it still appears on the start-up programs and operates on PC. And your situation of being not able to uninstall SpyHunter may be in one of the following cases:
- Receive an error code while removing the software
- Cannot find the program on the list of available uninstall program
- SpyHunter still leaves on the computer after removing it
- People have no idea to remove SpyHunter thoroughly for the incomplete installation or removal of the program
Uninstall SpyHunter – how-to guides
Recommended method: uninstall SpyHunter with Special Uninstaller
As an advanced removal tool, Special Uninstaller is specialized in uninstalling any unwanted installed programs on the computer, besides, it also provides additional leftovers scan and clean features to ensure the complete removal of the application.
Steps to uninstall SpyHunter with Special Uninstaller:
- Install and open Special Uninstaller on the computer
- Highlight SpyHunter on the menu of installed programs, then click on “Run Uninstaller” button
- Confirm and start the program removal with instructions displaying on the uninstaller
- After the first stage of removal, please click on “Scan Leftovers”
- Then Special Uninstaller will show you how many files and registries related to SpyHunter still leaving on the computer, and you can delete all of them via clicking on the “Delete Leftovers” button
- Click on “Yes” when the remover tells you the program has been uninstalled completely
- Restart the PC, and you won’t see SpyHunter again
In additional to remove SpyHunter with such a professional uninstaller, it is also available for uninstalling the program manually, but you should spend more time and prepare for a manual deletion of its preference files which leaving on the computer after the program uninstallation.
Manual method – uninstall SpyHunter by yourself on the computer
1. Standard removal
Option one:
(the specific steps only for Windows 8.1 users, other Windows system version can open the Windows uninstaller in Control Panel)
- Right-click on the Start icon, select “Programs and Features”
- Select SpyHunter on the list, then click on Uninstall button
- Click Yes to make sure you want to uninstall the program, then finish the removing process with prompt messages
Option two:
- Click on the Start icon, then click on the downwards arrow
- Find the “Uninstall SpyHunter” on the list as following
- Click on it, start and finish the program uninstallation with the displayed prompts
2.Clean vestiges
After the standard removal, you should restart the computer system, then start to check and delete all of SpyHunter’s leftovers on the computer.
- Empty the installation folder, and delete it.
- Type “regedit” in the search text box to open Registry Editor on your computer system
- Find out the group of SpyHunter’s registry, then delete them
Since there are usually some files and registry keys of SpyHunter program cannot be removed with the standard program removal, it is very necessary to check the installation folder and system registry and make sure everything related to the program has been cleaned well, otherwise, it is very possible that you will see the SpyHunter program appears again when you start your computer, and it will also create some troubles for you to install other anti-spyware application on the PC for the program conflict issue.
Common resolutions for the program removing problems
These are general and effective solutions for dealing with the removing problem on your computer:
- Stop the program running on your PC before uninstall it. When you uninstall a program which is still running on the computer, it is very easy to be resulted in an incomplete removal or receive an error.
- Check and clean its associated files and settings on the computer after removal. General removing method is not always able to help you remove a program thoroughly, it is very needed to pay attention to the leftovers removal especially when you uninstall a program with the Windows uninstaller.
- Never install suspicious application. Suspicious programs often contain many stubborn and malicious files that make you cannot remove them effectively on the PC. So please remember that only install those reputable applications on your computer.
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