Getting a problem and doing not know how to uninstall DriverEasy thoroughly on the PC? What’s your problem when conducting the program removal on your computer? Don’t skip the post so quickly, because you will find the proper way to remove it from the following content.
Product Introduction
DriverEasy is a driver optimized tool that enables the computer user to update and maintain their installed drivers, such as checking and fixing the outdated, missing or problematic drivers, and provide available drivers you should installed on your computer. When it is installed or used on the PC, many files and registry keys will be created on the system.
How about your DriverEasy removing problem?
Due to the delicate and complicated computer environment, some people may not be able to uninstall DriverEasy as easily as remove other installed applications on the PC, and the causes could be various for different computers, even though, I can share the most common problems for removing the program here:
- DriverEasy cannot be installed on the computer successfully for the program conflict issue or false positive from your installed security program
- The program itself does not appear on the program list of Windows removal utility
- The removing process cannot help to uninstall DriverEasy thoroughly (leftover issue)
- The DriverEasy removal also remove those files shared by other applications on the PC
Already have a general understanding about the program removing problem? And now, it’s time to take a proper way to remove DriverEasy on your computer.
Common way to uninstall DriverEasy
No matter what’s the specific Windows operating system you are using now, there is a removing utility available on the system and enable you to remove the unwanted program on your computer, and many people usually choose to uninstall software in this way, but please pay attention, what you need to do are more than simply removing the program with the utility.
Uninstall DriverEasy process with Windows removing utility
Remove on Windows XP
Remove on Windows 7
Remove on Windows 8/8.1
Remove on Windows XP
- Click on Start button — Control Panel — Add/Remove programs
- Highlight DriverEasy on the list of programs, then click on Change/Remove
- Click “Yes” to make sure you need to uninstall DriverEasy, and then start the removal
- Click Start icon —- Control Panel
- Locate and click on Uninstall a program — select DriverEasy on the menu
- Click on Uninstall button, and click “Yes” to activate the removing process
- Right-click on Windows button, select “Programs and Features”
- Locate DriverEasy on the menu, then click “Uninstall”
- Click Yes to confirm the removal and continue
Check and delete leftovers (files and registry keys)
- Have a search about the program or its publisher’s name, and delete all of its associated files
- Type “regegit” in the search box, then click to open the Registry Editor
- Check the registry group, and delete those registry keys related to DriverEasy
When taking this way to uninstall DriverEasy, the above removing steps are all necessary to remove the program completely and successfully on your PC, if it is not available for you (cannot find it on the list of available uninstall programs) or want a more effective way to handle this program removal, you will need a professional uninstall tool.
Take an uninstaller to remove DriverEasy
In case of the traditional removal often bring incomplete or unsuccessful removal issue on the computer, taking a good removal tool to handle the program uninstallation has been a very popular and effective way. If you also complain about the time-consuming and troublesome removing steps of the above manual removal, you can apply Special Uninstaller to uninstall DriverEasy on your computer.
Video tutorial about removing DriverEasy with Special Uninstaller
Check more details about how to remove it:
- Download and installed Special Uninstaller on your computer
- Select DriverEasy on the menu, then click on “Run Uninstaller”
- Click “Yes” to confirm the removal
- Click “Yes” to make sure you want to uninstall DriverEasy thoroughly
- After the removing process, you will receive a message which states that the computer has been removed completely, but remember that don’t exit the uninstaller at this time, you need to click on “Scan Leftovers”
- When all of remnant files are detected from your PC, click to delete them completely
- Click OK to finish the whole program removal
- Restart your computer, then you will find nothing related to the application on the PC
Resolution to remove the corrupted DriverEasy
When the DriverEasy itslef is not installed completely or has been corrupted on the computer, people may not be able to find it on the list of available uninstall programs, so that they cannot uninstall DriverEasy in a normal way. In this case, you can make use of the “Not listed above” feature to empty its associated folder on your PC.
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