Uninstall IObit Malware Fighter for Good with Special Uninstaller

Got some troubles of IObit Malware Fighter removal on the computer? Or just need an effective way to help you to remove the program thoroughly on the computer? It must be the right place here to tell you how can uninstall IObit Malware Fighter for good and avoid some potential issues.

Know about the program

IObit Malware Fighter is a malware removal utility developed by IObit, and many of you may use the other programs published by the same developer, like Advanced SystemCare 8 Free and IObit Driver Booster. Once installed, many files, components and configurations will be created on the computer, including the registry entry which enable an auto-start of this application. And what’s more, another application Surfing Protection usually installed with the IObit Malware Fighter on the computer.

How about the program removal

There could be many reasons for people to uninstall IObit Malware Fighter, program encountering a problem/error, just no need to use it, program conflict issue …, they are all the possible causes to remove the program on your PC. And now, we will focus on the program removal and share some useful tips with you about how to uninstall it, and how can troubleshoot the problem you may encounter during the IObit Malware Fighter removal.

Take an effective way to uninstall IObit Malware Fighter

If you want to run the program removal fast and also finish very well, applying a specific removal utility will be a good choice for you to uninstall IObit Malware Fighter, it will not only provide the automatic removal feature to help you complete the program removal quickly, but also available for different kinds of program removal on the computer. Special Uninstaller is a professional removal tool that you can trust, besides the automatic uninstall, it also provides the additional leftovers removal feature to make sure every removed program can be uninstalled completely on the computer (many registry and data are easily neglected by the removing process). If you are encountering some problems of removing IObit Malware Fighter on your PC, Special Uninstaller is also a good choice for you to complete the program removal smoothly.

Steps to uninstall IObit Malware Fighter by Special Uninstaller

  • Launch Special Uninstaller on the computer, and locate IObit Malware Fighter on the interface
  • After then, click on “Run Uninstaller >>> Yes” to start the removal

uninstall IObit Malware Fighter

  • Please wait for a few of seconds for the uninstaller to complete the first stage of removal, and then click on Scan Leftovers button to start the second step of removal


  • Click on “Delete Leftovers >>> Yes” to clean all of associated files that still leaving on the computer


  • Click on OK to complete IObit Malware Fighter on Special Uninstaller

Surfing Protection is a software that usually installed on the computer with IObit Malware Fighter, if you don’t want to use it any more, you can consider to remove it either via Special Uninstaller with the same removing steps.

  • Choose Surfing Protection on Special Uninstaller’s interface
  • Click on “Run Uninstaller >>> Yes >>> Yes” to finish the process removal


  • Next, go to scan and remove all of leftovers of the application


  • Finally, click OK to finish the removal, then exit the uninstaller and restart the PC


How can uninstall IObit Malware Fighter in traditional way

— also feasible but need more steps to complete
Windows attached uninstall utility is also available for program removal, and it is for certain that many people are always using this way to get rid of unwanted programs on the computer, but I would like to introduce some additional measures and steps to complete the removal on the Windows.

  • Right-click on the Windows button (for Windows 8 +), select Programs and Features (the first item)


  • Select IObit Malware Fighter on the list, and then click on Uninstall


  • Wait for the finish of removing process, then restart your computer
  • Have a check for the installation folder of IObit Malware Fighter, and make sure everything has been removed
  • Right-click on the Windows button, select Search
  • Type “regedit” in the box, and open the regedit/Registry Editor


  • Have a browse of those registry group, and make sure the related registry keys has been deleted thoroughly

After then, you will finish to uninstall IObit Malware Fighter and turn to remove Surfing Protection

  • Open the Programs and Features panel again, select Surfing Protection
  • Click on Uninstall button, and then click Yes to confirm the removal


  • Please wait until the program being removed on the computer
  • Restart your computer, and then have a check the associated folder and Registry Editor to make sure the program and its files are deleted completely

After following the above removing steps, you will be able to uninstall IObit Malware Fighter as well as Surfing Protection, but I think that you must take much of time and energy to accomplish it, and taking Special Uninstaller just can help you to save the time and simplify the removing steps effectively, so, which way is better to uninstall IObit Malware Fighter and other applications? You can now decide by yourself.






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