Uninstall Panda Free Antivirus is a very common behavior for those people who get this program installed on their computers, program corrupted/update issue, do not want to use it or other reasons, no matter what makes you decide to remove the software on your PC, you should make clear the way to uninstall it effectively, because it may be more difficult then you think to conduct the program removal.
Application information
Panda Free Antivirus is a security software that belonging to the Panda security and can be used for free, it provides the real-time protection against malicious viruses, spyware, rootkits and other ways of infections. As a antivirus application, it will start up automatically on the computer and always running at the background until you stop its running manually. In order to perform these complex and advanced features on computer, many data, configurations and registry keys will be created with the program, including the Panda Security Toolbar.
If you want to fully uninstall Panda Free Antivirus on your PC, you should remove all of components and bundle application/toolbar completely.
Problems you may encounter with Panda Free Antivirus removal
Cannot perform a smooth or successful removal for Panda Free Antivirus on the computer? One of these situations may be just the problem you cannot uninstall Panda Free Antivirus:
- Removing process get stuck and cause the computer freeze up
- Program’s shortcut and toolbar (maybe other associated files or processes) still exit after the removal
- Cannot find the uninstall process on computer
Besides the above problems you might encounter during this software removal, sometimes the other program or driver you installed might be removed by mistake on your PC, and cause you unable to install it again. Therefore, it will be very important for you to take a proper and complete way to remove Panda Free Antivirus on the computer.
Get proper ways to uninstall Panda Free Antivirus thoroughly
Way 1 – apply Special Uninstaller to remove it
If you do not change any settings during the installation and just click the necessary button to install the program with instructions, you will not only get Panda Free Antivirus application installed on your PC, but also the Panda Security Toolbar. In this case, if you need to uninstall Panda Free Antivirus, please remember to remove all of attached files and programs completely. Luckily, you can find all of them with Special Uninstaller, and fully remove with the easy-to-follow removing instructions on the remover.
Steps to remove Panda Free Antivirus with Special Uninstaller:
- Launch Special Uninstaller on your computer
- Select Panda Free Antivirus on the menu, then click on Run Uninstaller
- Click on Yes to activate the removing process on Special Uninstaller
- When the program removal finish at the first step, please click on Scan Leftovers
- Remove all detected leftovers on your computer, then go back to the program’s interface
- Choose to remove Panda Security Toolbar with the same removing steps on Special Uninstaller
- After perform all the removal on the uninstaller, please exit the program and restart your computer
Beside the standard program removal, Special Uninstaller also provides another feature which is very powerful and useful for the computer users, which is the Plug-in Cleaner, through which, people can remove those stubborn or annoying toolbar on their web browsers easily without any further issue.
Additional feature recommendation: Plug-in Cleaner on Special Uninstaller
This is a particular section that specialized in removing different kinds toolbar and add-ones installed on the browser, with its scanning feature inside, you can see all of plug-ins currently installed on your web browsers, and the simple cleaning feature will help you to disable and remove the specific plug-in quickly.
Way 2 – uninstall Panda Free Antivirus by yourself on the computer (manual)
Certainly, it is not only one way to remove the program on your PC, the common removing utility on Windows system also can help you uninstall Panda Free Antivirus, but you should pay more attention and effort on the removal, because you would need do more manual removing jobs for getting the complete removal of the application.
Firstly, cease the program’s operation on your computer
- Click on the small arrow at the bottom right corner of desktop to show the hidden icon
- Right-click on the icon with Panda Free Antivirus, click on Stop antivirus
Secondly, remove Panda Free Antivirus with Windows uninstall feature
Windows 8/8.1/10
- Right-click on the Windows button, select “Programs and Features“
- Select Panda Free Antivirus on the list of installed program, click on Uninstall button
- Click Yes to make sure and start the program removal with instructions
- When the removal comes to the end, choose to restart your computer immediately or later according to your situation
Windows 7
- Click on the Start button, select Control Panel
- Click on Uninstall a program to open the removing panel on Windows system
- Locate Panda Free Antivirus on the menu, then click on Uninstall
- Click Yes to activate the removal, and choose to restart your computer when it is completed
Thirdly, remove Panda Security Toolbar
If you find the Panda Security Toolbar still locates on your computer after uninstalling Panda Free Antivirus, you need to remove the toolbar with Windows uninstall feature, and the removing steps are as same as Panda Free Antivirus removal.
Fourthly, do a check and clean associated files still leaving on the computer
In many times, the Windows uninstall feature cannot fulfill the requirement of complete uninstallation for a program, including uninstall Panda Free Antivirus. Therefore, you should do an additional check to see whether the program has been completely removed on your computer, and don’t forget the registry keys on your system. One can choose to delete the associated registry keys on computer via Registry Editor:
Open the computer search box, then enter “regedit” and open it.
Want to save much time and effort to deal with the program removal? Just download and apply Special Uninstaller to help you uninstall Panda Free Antivirus quickly.
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