What to Do to Correctly Remove Smadav Antivirus 2016 on PC?

There are several reasons why people want to remove Smadav Antivirus 2016, and many are having troubles doing that. So this article has been written to provide tutorials, hopefully this is exactly what you’re looking for.

Breezily Remove Smadav Antivirus 2016 Using Special Uninstaller

Though you can easily find various removal tools on the Internet, the hard part is which to choose. If you kinda lost your way, take my preparation – a good general-purpose tool that is available in most versions of Windows and works with types of programs:

1. Get Special Uninstaller.
Click any of the blue download buttons on the page or visit the homepage to download & install this removal tool.
2. Run Uninstaller.
Double-click its desktop icon to launch it, you will know what programs are currently installed on your PC. Find and select Smadav Antivirus as your target, and hit Run Uninstaller to scan for all the related files.
3. Scan Leftovers > Delete Leftovers.
Confirm the removal. When it says “Please wait while Special Uninstaller initializes the uninstall process.” Then you can click Scan Leftovers to scan for its leftovers, and hit Delete Leftovers at last to completely remove Smadav Antivirus 2016.
Clicking Back will bring you back to the program list, then you may check whether Smadav Antivirus 2016 has gone from your PC.

Regularly Remove Smadav Antivirus 2016 in Windows – Steps to Follow

1. Exit the Smadav Antivirus 2016 program.
Most programs will automatically close or ask you to shut them down during the removal, while a few will not. To ensure a complete, smooth removal, better shut down the program as well as the related possesses that are running in the background before activating its built-in uninstaller. You can do this through the System Tray and Task Manager.
Before you remove Smadav Antivirus 2016, shut it down first.

2. Locate Smadav Antivirus 2016 in the Programs list.
Windows 8 (Start screen): Click on the Start button, click the Down arrow, find Smadav Antivirus in the Apps list, right-click on it and select Uninstall at the bottom.
Windows 10 (Start menu): Right-click on the Start button, select Programs and Features, and locate Smadav Antivirus in the list.
3. Remove Smadav Antivirus 2016 in the Programs List.
Now you should be looking at the Program List, which tells you what programs are installed on your PC, the names of them and their publishers, when they’re installed, and how much disk space they’re taking. Double-click Smadav Antivirus to activate its built-in uninstaller.
4. Follow the instruction to proceed and confirm the removal.
Once its built-in uninstaller pops up, click Next/Yes to provide confirmation. Wait until the uninstaller finishes its job, and move on to the next steps to search for the related lingering files. If you’re prompted to restart, do it right away or later, no big deal.
5. Remove Smadav Antivirus 2016 from Registry Editor.
During installation the program registers itself in the system, that’s why you can find their entries in the Registry, it also explains why sometimes you can’t run a program by simply coping the folder from somewhere else. This step is to delete the entries of Smadav Antivirus 2016. But you should know that using the Registry Editor incorrectly can cuase serious issues and may result in an inoperable operting system. So don’t delete anything wrong.
Windows 8 (Start screen): Press and hold the Windows key + C to open the Charms, select Search, type “Regedit” in the field, and click the result to open the Registry Editor. Then check for the following folder with the left column explorer, if found, right-click on the it and select Delete to completely remove Smadav Antivirus 2016:


Windows 10 (Start menu): Execute “regedit” in the search input field on the taskbar to open the Registry Editor. Then check for the following two folders with the left column explorer, if found, right-click on the them and select Delete to completely remove Smadav Antivirus 2016:


6. Restart the computer (Suggested).
When you install/remove Smadav Antivirus 2016, it will register or unregister the usage of one or more .dll files. And when you choose to reboot your computer after uninstalling a program, Windows will close the program & delete any file that is no longer assigned to a program to clean up the computer. Not every program’s removal requires a restart, but I think it’s the best to follow the general idea.

When Do I Need to Uninstall My Antivirus Software?

Talking about the installation & removal of antivirus products, there are several things you may need to know:

  • Before switching to another antivirus product, remember to fully uninstall the old one.
  • When more than one antivirus products are running on the system, choose only one to keep and remove the rest to avoid unnecessary conflicts between them.
  • Always keep it up-to-date. When you find it’s outdated or corrupted, be sure to remove it first before reinstalling it or try to reinstall it directly, so that the possible vulnerabilities can be well avoided.

That’s it. For any questions you need to ask about how to remove Smadav Antivirus 2016, just leave your comments below. We will read them and provide answers soon.
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