Uninstall MegaDownloader on PC – Windows Removal Guides

Seeking for solutions to completely uninstall MegaDownloader? You can find information you need on this page.
MegaDownloader is a free, fast app that allows users to download files directly from mega.co.nz to local computers. It’s designed specifically to make the business of download of downloading files as quick as possible. There is also a companion app for uploading to mega.co.nz but that’s topic of discussion for another time.
To fully uninstall MegaDownloader, you can refer to the following content.

Method 1: Uninstall MegaDownloader through the Programs and Features

Most programs will automatically close or ask you to shut them down during the removal, while a few will not. To ensure a complete, smooth removal, better shut down the program as well as the related possesses that are running in the background before activating its built-in uninstaller. You can do this through the System Tray and Task Manager.Then continue by performing steps below:
1. Right-click on the Start and select Programs and Features, where you can see clearly what programs you’re having on this machine.
2. In the list, locate and double-click MegaDownloader to activate the built-in uninstaller, and the removal will begin right away.
3. Once the above process is done, execute “regedit” via the Search field on the taskbar to open the Registry Editor.
4. Search for related leftovers by clicking Edit > Find… on the navigation, type “MegaDownloader” and pressing the Enter key. If you find any results, delete them to completely uninstall MegaDownloader.

5. Restart your computer to take effect.

Method 2: Uninstall MegaDownloader with A Trustworthy Tool

What I’m recommending is a safe, smart, small-sized tool that applies to all the popular Windows versions. Within clicks you can easily uninstall MegaDownloader and other unwanted programs found. Click the blue download button on the page to try it out, and steps are as follows:
1.Run Special Uninstaller after installation, you can see what programs are currently installed on your computer.
2.Select MegaDownloader in the list, and click “Run Uninstaller.” It will scan all the related files and get ready for your next request, during which you may be asked for confirmation of this removal, just click “Yes/OK” to proceed.
Uninstall MegaDownloader with a trustworthy tool.
3. Click “Scan Leftovers” when it turns to blue, then you can see all the related vestiges that regular removal might left behind. Click “Delete Leftovers” to completely uninstall MegaDownloader.
In the last clicking “Back” will return you to the list of the installed programs, where you can check if your target has been eliminated. View this short video to take a quick view on how it works:

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