How to Uninstall Nexus from your Windows PC?

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This is a step by step article that describes how to uninstall Nexus from your PC running Windows using the standard Windows removal steps or Special Uninstaller.
uninstall Nexus

What is Nexus?

Nexus is a digital distribution platform developed by Valve Corporation, which offers digital rights management (DRM), multiplayer gaming, video streaming and social networking services. Nexus provides the user with installation and automatic updating of games, and community features such as friends lists and groups, cloud saving, and in-game voice and chat functionality.
download special uninstaller


The new version of Stream was released in recent days. But many people cannot upgrade it to v3.49.64.60 and get some errors in removing Nexus. The following will help you resolve this problem.


The first solution: manually uninstall Nexus
  • Step 1: quit all the processes related to Nexus with Windows Task Manager. Such as Nexus.exe, Winstep.exe, WsMMPlay.exe, WsTranslator.exe, WsUpdate.exe, WsxService.exe, etc.

uninstall Nexus

  • Step 2: Start built-in uninstaller of Nexus in its installation directory, then operate step by step to uninstall Nexus as prompts you see.

uninstall Nexus

  • Step3: Delete all leftovers of Nexus.
    1. Open Windows Registry Editor
    2. Press keyboard combination Ctrl+F
    3. Type the name of Nexus or path of where Nexus was installed in the “Find what” box.
    4. Click “Find next”.

uninstall Nexus
download special uninstaller

The second solution: automatically uninstall Nexus with Special Uninstaller.
  • Step 1: Download and install Special Uninstaller.
  • Step 2: Start Special Uninstaller and find the Nexus icon in the list view of installed software.
  • Step 3: Click “Run Uninstaller”, then Special Uninstaller will execute built-in uninstaller of Nexus.
  • Step 4: Clicking “Delete Leftovers” will clean all the leftovers concerned with Nexus immediately.


Also, to save time and avoid failure of uninstalling, we make a video for readers who do not have the patience to read this article or are not familiar with computer. The following video is easy to guide the uninitiated to uninstall Nexus. The following video is easy to guide the uninitiated to uninstall Nexus.






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