If you need specific guides to uninstall Sandra Lite 2017, we have them right under each subtitle in the following content.
SiSoftware Sandra (the System Analyzer, Diagnostic, and Reporting Assistant) is an information & diagnostic utility. It should be able to provide most of the information (including undocumented) you need to know about your hardware, software and other devices. And Sandra is a girl name of Greek origin that means “defender” and “helper of mankind”.
There are more than one solution to uninstall Sandra Lite 2017 on Windows PC, just browse the whole page for the information you need. If there is anything you want to share with us, leave comments at the bottom of this page.
Method 1: Manually Uninstall Sandra Lite 2017 – Specific Steps
Perform the following steps (Apply to both Windows 8 and Windows 10) in Administrative Rights:
Step 1: Make sure Sandra Lite 2017 is not running.
1.1 In the bottom-right corner of your screen, check the System Tray. If you see the Sandra Lite 2017, right-click on it and select to close the program.
1.2 To make sure nothing related to the program is running in the back ground – right-click the Taskbar at the bottom of your screen,. Find and End the processes related to the program.
Step 2: Uninstall Sandra Lite 2017 through its built-in uninstaller.
2.1 In the bottom-left corner of your screen, right-click on the Start button and select Programs and Features.
2.2 Now you’re looking at the list of currently installed programs on the computer, just double-click Sandra Lite 2017 to uninstall it.
2.3 Follow the on-screen prompts to proceed with the removal – When you’re prompted with Uninstall Options including “I have bought the full version.” “I want to buy the full version now.” “Other reason.” select Other reason and click Continue uninstall > No, uninstall.
2.4 Wait for the built-in uninstaller to finish its job.
Step 3: Remove the remaining files of Sandra Lite 2017.
Note: Please be sure you have uninstalled all the SiSoftware (Publisher of Sandra Lite) programs via the Programs and Features, otherwise just skip this step.
3.1 Press and hold Windows key + C on your keyboard to open the Charms bar, and select Search, and enter “regedit” to open the Registry Editor.
3.2 (Optional) To back up the whole registry first, on the navigation, click File > Export…, type a name for the registry backup copy, and save it to your preferred location.
3.3 Navigate to the following folders and delete them:
- HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SiSoftware\
3.4 To check for other remaining files of the program, click Edit > Find…on the navigator, and enter “Sandra Lite” and delete them if found to completely uninstall Sandra Lite 2017.
3.5 If you haven’t restarted your computer once, restart it now. Then you can check whether the removal was successful.
Method 2: Uninstall Sandra Lite 2017 with A Trustworthy Tool
What I’m recommending is a safe, smart, small-sized tool that applies to all the popular Windows versions. Within clicks you can easily uninstall Sandra Lite 2017 and other unwanted programs found. Click the blue download button on the page to try it out, and steps are as follows:
1. Run Special Uninstaller after installation, you can see what programs are currently installed on your computer.
2. Select Sandra Lite 2017 in the list, and click “Run Uninstaller.” It will scan all the related files and get ready for your next request, during which you may be asked for confirmation of this removal, just click “Yes/OK” to proceed.
3. Click “Scan Leftovers” when it turns to blue, then you can see all the related vestiges that regular removal might left behind. Click “Delete Leftovers” to completely uninstall Sandra Lite 2017.
In the last clicking “Back” will return you to the list of the installed programs, where you can check if your target has been eliminated. View this short video to take a quick view on how it works:
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This way you can easily remove any unwanted programs installed on the system. Termly deleting those useless to you will free up quite a lot disk space, and improve your computer performance to some extent. Hopefully you always get everything under control and have an amazing experience.
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