BitTorrent Toolbar is compatible with many popular Web browsers. There are times you might want to uninstall BitTorrent Toolbar if you are no longer use it. You might also uninstall the BitTorrent Toolbar add-on if it is damaged and causing Google Chrome, IE or Firefox browser errors.
How to uninstall BitTorrent Toolbar from Internet Explore
1. Click the Start button and then select Settings > Control Panel > Add/Remove Programs.
2. In the list of programs, find the BitTorrentBar toolbar, select it, and click Change/Remove.
How to uninstall BitTorrent Toolbar from Google Chrome
1. In the Google Chrome browser, go to chrome://extensions/.
2. Find BitTorrentBar in the list.
3. Click Uninstall to remove BitTorrent Toolbar.
How to uninstall BitTorrent Toolbar from Mozilla Firefox?
1. Open Mozilla Firefox.
2. click on the Tools tab at the top, and then select Add-ons.
3. Search for BitTorrent Toolbar from the available add-ons list, right click on it, and then click on the Uninstall button to remove BitTorrent Toolbar. Click Yes to start uninstall BitTorrent Toolbar.
4. Exit Add-ons window and restart your browser.
How to uninstall BitTorrent Toolbar out of Safari?
1. Click “Finder” on the dock to launch a new Finder window.
2. Click “Applications” in the left pane. Scroll down to “Toolbars” and click “Vuze.”
3. Double-click “Uninstall.” Fill in your user name and password. Click “OK” to uninstall the BitTorrent Toolbar.
4. Close and relaunch Safari.
Still can not uninstall BitTorrent Toolbar?
When finished, remember to close the browsers and restart your computer to make sure you have completely removed BitTorrent Toolbar. Sometimes, you still have difficulties to uninstall BitTorrent Toolbar and it remains in your browser.
How to thoroughly uninstall BitTorrent Toolbar out of my system?
- STEP 1. Download BitTorrent Toolbar Uninstall Tool and Install It.
- STEP 2: Select BitTorrent Toolbar from the detected program list and click “Run Uninstaller”.
- STEP 3: Click “OK” button to start the uninstall BitTorrent Toolbar process.
- STEP 4: Wait for the standard uninstall process to be completed and select Scan Leftovers to detect leftover files/registry entries and click Delete Leftovers.
- STEP 5: Click “OK” to finish the BitTorrent Toolbar uninstall process.
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