AVG Anti-Virus 2012 is the latest version of AVG Anti-Virus software that released by Grisoft, the vendors of AVG. It includes most of the industry-leading functions available in modern internet security programs. However, sometimes for some reason, you might need to uninstall AVG Anti-Virus 2012 because the program may not meet your expectation.
Uninstall AVG Anti-Virus 2012 manually by control panel
- 1. Exit AVG Anti-Virus 2012 by opening Task Manager with Ctrl+Alt+Delete to end all of its process.
- 2. Click on “Start” button and go to Control Panel.
- 3. Choose the icon which says ‘Add or remove programs’ or ‘Uninstall a program’
- 4. Scroll the list and locate AVG Anti-Virus 2012
- 5. Click on ‘Uninstall’ and a wizard will launch which will allow you to uninstall AVG Anti-Virus 2012.
- 6. Restart your computer.
The method above should uninstall the AVG Anti-Virus 2012 from your computer but properly only the major part. Sometimes, and this happen often, the normal manual removal plan fails to work, you can find AVG folder at C:\Program Files or its installed location, it indicates that AVG Anti-Virus 2012 is still in your computer and there are associated registry leftovers in system registry.
Since the Windows default Add/ Remove Programs can’t help uninstall corrupted or half-uninstalled AVG, then you have to take the risk to manually edit registry. However, if you don’t want to deal with the complicated and uncertain task, you may need to go for another solution to uninstall AVG Anti-Virus 2012. This is when an uninstall tool like the Special Uninstaller will be used to uninstall AVG Anti-Virus 2012 or other non-working programs from your computer
Uninstall AVG Anti-Virus 2012 with AVG Anti-Virus 2012 Uninstaller(Most Recommended)
- STEP 1. Free download AVG Anti-Virus 2012 Uninstall Tool and Install It.
- STEP 2: Select AVG Anti-Virus 2012 from the detected program list and click “Run Uninstaller”.
- STEP 3: Click “OK” button to start the uninstall AVG Anti-Virus 2012 process.
- STEP 4: Wait for the standard uninstall process to be completed and select Scan Leftovers to detect leftover files/registry entries and click Delete Leftovers.
- STEP 5: Click “OK” to finish the AVG Anti-Virus 2012 uninstall process.
Video Guide: Fully Remove AVG Anti-Virus 2012 with Special Uninstaller
Special Uninstaller is able to automatically uninstall AVG Anti-Virus 2012 or any unwanted programs that you are having problems with in just few clicks of button. Meanwhile, Special Uninstaller will free you from messing around with the system registry, or the hassle of manually AVG Anti-Virus 2012 removal. So, why not try to use Special Uninstaller to fully uninstall AVG Anti-Virus 2012 right now?
Related info of how to uninstall AVG Anti-Virus 2012
CNET Editors’ note – AVG Anti-Virus 2012
AVG (software) – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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