Completely Uninstall DriverDoc on Your Computer

uninstall DriverDoc
Got something difficult to handle when tried to uninstall DriverDoc on the computer? What cause you unable to remove the program smoothly? It must be a good news that this article will provide a focus to the effective program removal.

Product introduction

DriverDoc is an application published by Solvusoft and provides special services to the driver, such as check and access to the installed drivers, instantly install driver update, and help the computer user to fix their driver problems. However, do you have any problem with this program especially when you need to remove it on your computer?

What’s your question about the program removal

Although there are several ways available for removing a program on the computer, some people in recently still complain about the problems during DriverDoc removal, and often result in an unsuccessful removal, like cannot uninstall DriverDoc which is not installed correctly, don’t know how can totally remove its associated components, or the program cannot be uninstalled successfully on the PC. If you also have some questions about removing DriverDoc on your computer, please check the following methods and then try again to uninstall it.

How can uninstall DriverDoc effectively on the computer

Method one – remove it with Windows built-in removing feature

As we all known that there is a removing utility attached in the Windows system, and here are its different feature names in different Windows operating systems:

  • Windows XP: Add/Remove programs
  • Windows 7: Uninstall a program
  • Windows 8: Programs and Features

If you want to remove DriverDoc in this way, you should do the standard removal and an additional manual removal
In Windows XP:

  • Click to open the Start menu — click on Control Panel
  • Select to open All/remove programs — find and click DriverDoc program on the list of installed programs
  • Click on the Remove button to start the program uninstallation with instructions

In Windows 7:

  • Click on Start button — Control Panel — Uninstall a program


  • Select DriverDoc — click on Uninstall button
  • Follow the removing instructions to finish the program removal

In Windows 8:
(Option one)
1. Right-click on the Start button — select Programs and Features
2. Find and highlight DriverDoc program on the list — click Uninstall button
uninstall DriverDoc in Control Panel
3. Complete the removal
(Option two)
1. Click on the Start button — click downward arrow at the bottom
2. Find and locate the DriverDoc program name, and click on “Uninstall DriverDoc” under the program
uninstall DriverDoc in Windows
3. Click on Yes button to start the program removal
WinThruster is another program that bundled with DriverDoc, when you finish to remove DriverDoc, please go to uninstall DriverDoc with the same removing steps.

DriverDoc is really uninstalled completely on your computer?

After the standard removal, please try to open your Registry Editor:
Type “regedit” in the search box, and open Registry Editor in the search result
Then try to click and open this sub-menu in the editor, these are all registry entries related to the DriverDoc which you had been uninstalled.
As you can see that the standard removal does not fulfill the complete removal for you. Therefore, in order to completely DriverDoc as well as its associated application, you should conduct a manual removal to delete all of its leftovers on your computer.

Please be cautious that doing any manual error for the registry will easily cause serious problems on your computer, so you should be very careful if you need to delete something from the system central database. If you want to uninstall DriverDoc more easily and quickly, please choose Special Uninstaller.

Method two – uninstall DriverDoc with Special Uninstaller

Special Uninstaller is a specific program removing tool that can conduct an automatic and complete removal for the target program, let’s see how does the program to be removed by Special Uninstaller:

  • Launch Special Uninstaller on computer, locate DriverDoc


  • Click on Run Uninstaller at the bottom, then click “Yes” to start the removal
  • Finish the first stage of removal, and click “Scan Leftovers”


  • Remove all of detected leftovers to complete the DriverDoc removal, click on the Back button


  • Continue to uninstall WinThruster in the same way


  • Close the program after removal, and reboot the computer

When choosing the uninstall tool to remove DriverDoc, you don’t need to find and delete any file being left on your PC as the first removal method, in this way, you will be able to save much of time and simplify the program removal significantly.

What kind of situation that you will need a uninstaller

There are often some situations that make you unable to remove a program like DriverDoc smoothly with the Windows uninstall utility, these are the most common cases that cause you cannot remove a program completely:

  • Program is not installed correctly
  • Program has been corrupted or damaged
  • Windows uninstall panel cannot find the application
  • Registry entries and some stubborn files still locate on the computer after the program removal

When you unfortunately encounter these problems during the removal, you will need a professional uninstaller to help you remove the program forcibly, and thoroughly remove all of components in a short time. Moreover, this is also a good way for you avoiding any manual error on your system registry database. Therefore, if you encounter any of these problem when uninstall DriverDoc, please try to remove it with Special Uninstaller, you will be able to remove the program with ease within a short time.






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