Get some troubles to uninstall Yahoo!Messenger on your computer? How can fix the problem you encounter and remove the program smoothly? If you want to know why and how to resolve the program removal, please look at the suggestion below.
Yahoo!Messenger program information
Yahoo!Messenger (short for YM) is created by Yahoo as advertisement-supported instant messaging client that can be used on Web or iPhone. It can be downloaded for free and used with a Yahoo ID number, and this application allow you to access many Yahoo services like Yahoo Mail, text messaging service, PC-PC and PC-Phone services.
If you come across some running problem and need to remove the program on your PC, just look at what I show you at the following content.
Reason for being not able to uninstall Yahoo!Messenger
Many people result in a failure of Yahoo!Messenger removal could be due to many problems on their computers, if you also receive an error message which states cannot complete the program, you can try to find the specific reason from these most common causes of the Yahoo!Messenger removing problem:
- Incorrect or incomplete installation of the program
- Program conflict issue affect the Yahoo!Messenger removal
- Associated components still locate on the PC after removal and refused to be deleted
- Corrupted program cannot be uninstalled successfully on computer
To uninstall Yahoo!Messenger smoothly on your PC, you should take some notes and take the effectively uninstall way to remove it, and my suggestions will be helpful for you to resolve the removing problem.
My experiences to uninstall Yahoo!Messenger effectively on PC
There is not all programs can be removed smoothly in the same way, especially when the program encounter some errors inside and cannot process the removal successfully.
Do you remove it with Windows uninstall utility?
Taking use of the Windows built-in removing utility is often the first choice people choose to uninstall a program, for more details about how to uninstall Yahoo!Messenger and its associated programs, please read the following details:
Three programs you should uninstall:
In Windows 7:
- Click on Start — All Programs — Control Panel
- Locate and click Uninstall a program — select Yahoo!Messenger
- Click Uninstall button to start the removal
- Click Finish icon to perform the program uninstallation
- Finish the program removal with instructions, and back to the uninstall panel to continue the associated program removals
- Remove Yahoo!Toolbar and Yahoo!Software Update programs in the same way
In Windows 8:
- Right-click the Start button — select Programs and Features
- Select Yahoo!Messenger on the list, click Uninstall button
- Click on Finish button to start the removal
- Complete the removal step by step, then continue to uninstall Yahoo!Messenger’s associated programs: Yahoo!Toolbar and Yahoo!Software Update.
It is not a difficult thing for people conducting a program removal with this removing utility, but the problem is: do you often encounter some problems of the traditional program removal? Please try to go to the install directory, you will often find the installation folder in your computer after the program removal.
What’s the shortcomings of the traditional removal
With the complicated and advanced structures of many third party applications, the Windows uninstall utility is not as effective as many people think, because these shortcomings sometimes will cause the unsuccessful or incomplete removing problems:
- Failed to uninstall a program which has been corrupted
- Failed to remove all of related components of the program
- Encounter an error message during the removal without knowing the specific reason
- Unable to delete its leftovers after removal
- Cannot find the program name in the removing panel
If you also have these problems to remove Yahoo!Messenger on your computer, I would like to share some of my experiences to help you get rid of this application.
My suggestion to uninstall Yahoo!Messenger
It is better to conduct the program with a specific uninstall tool then using the traditional removing way, because this powerful program can perform much more professionally in the program removal, and you will be able to uninstall Yahoo!Messenger more easily and effectively. Want to have a try? Special Uninstaller can do you a favor:
- Open Special Uninstaller on your computer (sure, you should it installed on you PC before start that step)
- Select Yahoo!Messenger icon on the interface, then click on “Run Uninstaller “
- Click on Finish button to start the removal
- After the first stage of removal, click on “Scan Leftovers ” button
- Delete all of detected leftovers to complete the removal, then click “Back” to go to the first interface
- Continue to uninstall the programs (Yahoo!Toolbar and Yahoo!Software Update) bundle with Yahoo!Messenger
- Exit the uninstaller, restart your computer system
After performing the removing steps, you will be able to remove Yahoo!Messenger as well as its associated applications without leaving any components and files on your computer system.
When you need an uninstaller to remove a program
1. Cannot find the target program on removing panel
An incorrect program installation usually cause the program being not able to be uninstalled in the common removing way, this is also the reason why you cannot find the program you want to uninstaller in the removing panel. If you also cannot find the program name when trying to uninstall Yahoo!Messenger, you can click on “Not listed above?” at the bottom of Special Uninstaller, and select the installation folder of it, then click on Scan button. In this way, you will be able to remove everything related to Yahoo!Messenger in the installation folder.
2. Cannot remove leftovers
If you had uninstalled Yahoo!Messenger in other way, but there are still some files left on the computer, it is also feasible to make sue of the “Not listed above?” feature to clean the leftovers completely and forcibly.
3. Cannot remove stubborn toolbar on browser
Beside the application, toolbar is another item that difficult to remove on the computer for many people. If you find some browser plug-ins cannot be removed by yourself, try to click on “Plug-in Cleaner”, if you find the toolbar on the list, please select it, and click on “Clean” button to disable and remove the toolbar on browser.
If you want more specific information about how to uninstall Yahoo!Messenger and its associated programs, please look at this video tutorials:
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