Are you looking for an Spybot Search & Destroy uninstaller so you can easily remove and uninstall Spybot Search & Destroy on the fast way? Indeed, Spybot Search & Destroy is a powerful and efficient program that are popular with PC users. But it also have some troubles on the other hand. If you are searching for an easy and better way of Spybot Search & Destroy removal, then I will tell you exactly how you can uninstall Spybot Search & Destroy thoroughly.
Uninstall Spybot Search & Destroy thru Add/Remove program :
1. Close all Spybot Search & Destroy process on Windows Task Manager.
2. From the “Start” menu, select “Control Panel”.
3. Select “Uninstall a program”(“Add/Remove Programs” on Windows XP).
4. Select the Spybot Search & Destroy program and Click “Uninstall/Change”
Sometimes it is a little more involved to completely remove Spybot Search & Destroy. You may find that even though you followed the procedure outlined above, every time you start your PC, or when you try to install some program, the old version of Spybot Search & Destroy is still hanging in your system. In face, the Spybot Search & Destroy associated registries and files still need to be deleted to conduct a complete removal.
- Open Registry editor and delete all the registry entries related to Spybot Search & Destroy (you can open it by Clicking Start –> Run)
- Delete all the Spybot Search & Destroy related files in its system disc.
Why not consider a professional and easy-to-use Spybot Search & Destroy Uninstaller
It is a risky task to uninstall Spybot Search & Destroy manually especially for those computer newbies. Meanwhile, it is also difficult to assure whether it can fully uninstall Spybot Search & Destroy on computer when people finish the above four steps, because most of the time people cannot find and delete all of related files and registry entries, especially those hidden in their computers. This may be where it is time to consider trying a useful Spybot Search & Destroy uninstaller such as Special Uninstaller.
What Spybot Search & Destroy uninstaller is the best to uninstall Spybot Search & Destroy
- STEP 1. Free download Spybot Search & Destroy Uninstall Tool and Install It.
- STEP 2: Select Spybot Search & Destroy from the detected program list and click “Run Uninstaller”.
- STEP 3: Click “OK” button to start uninstall Spybot Search & Destroy process.
- STEP 4: Wait for the standard uninstall process to be completed and select Scan Leftovers to detect leftover files/registry entries and click Delete Leftovers.
- STEP 5: Click “OK” to finish the removal.
Video Guide: Fully Uninstall and remove Spybot Search & Destroy with Special Uninstaller
The most effective way to uninstall Spybot Search & Destroy is to run a powerful and reliable uninstaller which ensures you a complete and clean removal. Not only will this correct issues of leftovers programs and allow you to remove add-ons, traces etc, but it also has the added benefit of being able to clean up registry values and / or dlls.
See also
Spybot – Search & Destroy From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
CNET for free and safe Spybot – Search & Destroy
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