Ad-Aware Free Antivirus +, a professional antivirus program, enjoys a large number of customers all over the world. As there are so many antivirus programs on the market, customers may not just use it all the time. If you also have the security program on PC and you no longer use it, you should uninstall Ad-Aware Free Antivirus + completely from windows, as install too many security programs on one computer may lead to conflict.
Want to uninstall Ad-Aware Free Antivirus + completely from your computer? So you should stop trying to remove Ad-Aware Free Antivirus + by your own method but to get a fully understand of how to finish it in a correct way. This article aims to help you to solve “can’t uninstall Ad-Aware Free Antivirus + problem.
How to uninstall Ad-Adware Free Antivirus +
1. Exit the program.
2. Click Star–> Control Panel–> Add/Remove Programs
3. Find out the unwanted program in the list, proceed by clicking “Remove”
Tips: Most people think Ad-Aware Free Antivirus + could be removed by performing these two easy steps. In fact, it is possible that most of its files, registry keys and values still remind in your computer system as to make the uninstallation incomplete or let’s say, cannot uninstall Ad-Aware Free Antivirus +. Therefore, you should proceed to next steps:
4. Click Start–> Run, enter “regedit” and press Enter.
5. Find out the registry value, delete all of it.
Automatic Removal
If the manual method doesn’t work for your computer, the nest thing need to do is to delete all its files and clean up its registry keys. Often, it is installed on computers as a default setting. If that is your cases, you can try to find and delete Ad-Adware Free Antivirus + by the following method.
As stated above, if you are not familiar with computer or a computer newbie, please keep away from the tip above as any wrong step will cause computer crash immediately. To fully remove Ad-Adware Free Antivirus +, you can prefer to use an automatic uninstall tool.
- STEP 1. Download the Uninstall Tool and Install It.
- STEP 2: Select Ad-Adware Free Antivirus + from the detected program list and click “Run Uninstaller”.
- STEP 3: Click “Yes” button to start the uninstall process.
- STEP 4: Wait for the standard uninstall process to be completed and select Scan Leftovers to detect leftover files/registry entries and click Delete Leftovers.
- STEP 5: Click “OK” to finish the removal.
With an uninstall tool, you can fully uninstall any unwanted programs at ease. It is recommended for you to use Special Uninstaller. With its powerful functions, you can uninstall Ad-Adware Free Antivirus + completely, leaving no rubbish traces do harms to your computer.
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