Encounter some problems when trying to uninstall Zugo Toolbar? Don’t know how can get rid of it on your web browsers? If you have some troubles of this toolbar removal, the informations below will be very helpful for you.
Zugo Toolbar is described as a normal browser add-on that can be installed in the general web browser and offers the searching and web site visiting services. But some security websites regard it as an adware or unwanted application for that they find that this toolbar will change the browser settings without any consent, and even collect the personal information and constantly display useless advertisement.
Many people are worry about their personal privacy and want the homepage, search engine and other features on the browser can change back to the previous stage, so it is necessary to take a proper way to remove Zugo Toolbar thoroughly on the PC.
Proper ways to uninstall Zugo Toolbar on the browser and PC
Manual way to get rid of the toolbar
Remove virus infections with antivirus program
If you suspect that there is a virus infection on the computer, please take the first step to check your computer security with a powerful antivirus application, after ensuring the computer is in a safe situation, you can get start to uninstall Zugo Toolbar on your PC.
One – remove Zugo Toolbar process
- Click to open the Start menu > Control Panel > Add/Remove programs
(for Win 8 users, click This PC > Computer > Open Control Panel)
- Select Zugo Toolbar process on the list, click on the remove button to start the uninstallation
Two – clean the toolbar on all of installed browsers
In Google Chrome
- Open Google Chrome, click on the menu icon (with three bars)
- Click on Tools, and then Extensions
- Disable and remove Zugo Toolbar and other unknown toolbars
- Go to the setting section, click “Manage Search Engine…”
- Change your default search engine to avoid the one which associated to the Zugo Toolbar toolbar
- Restart your Google Chrome
- Open Internet Explorer, click on Tools or the gear icon at the top, and select Internet Options
- Go to the Advanced tab in the Internet Options window, click on Reset button on the right side
- Continue and go to the Delete personal settings box, click on Reset
- Close the window when the resetting is completed, click OK
- Restart the Internet Explorer
In Mozilla Firefox
- Open Firefox, click on Firefox button at the top left corner, click on Help
- Select “Troubleshooting Information” on the Help sub-menu
- Then you will receive a confirmation window, click on Reset Firefox to continue the resetting
- Allow the Firefox to be closed, it will open again, and your Firefox will be reset
- Click on Finish when there is a pop up telling you about the changes
It is for sure that the manually cleaning the toolbar on PC will takes you some time and energy, if you want the Zugo Toolbar removal can be much easier but also removed thoroughly, it is recommended to use Special Uninstaller, an automatic and advanced uninstall tool.
Automatic way to uninstall Zugo Toolbar
Have a bad experience of the manual removal? For many common computer users who have few knowledge about the computer fix and system structure, it may be not easy for them to manually remove Zugo Toolbar quickly on the computer. And in this case, it is much suggested to apply a program removal tool like Special Uninstaller to get rid of the browser add-on professionally, because it can replace the user to conduct the removing process automatically.
Instance about how to uninstall Zugo Toolbar with Special Uninstaller
- Open Special Uninstaller, then find Zugo Toolbar install program on the list
- Highlight the program name > click Run Uninstaller
- Finish the first step of removal, then click on Scan Leftovers
- Remove all of detected files associated to the toolbar, and back to the step one
- Click Plug-in Cleaner > Scan Now
- Find and choose Zugo Toolbar on the list > hit the Clean button
- Close the uninstaller, and reboot the computer system
It has been a very effective and popular way to uninstall a program with professional tool, which owns a higher efficiency then removing a program with the Windows attached uninstall utility. So, if you haven’t tried such a way to uninstall Zugo Toolbar, you can choose to download an uninstaller and have a try now.
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